另一片天Tuesday, Jun. 08, 2010Women and children have been 面膜neglected for centuries, but we can make a new world. · 信用貸款 MELINDA GATES, · 信用貸款 who has pledged $1.5 billion for children and maternal health in 澎湖民宿the world's poorest countries; the money, from the Bill & 室內裝潢Melinda Gates Foundation, is aimed at decreasing the number of 室內設計women who die each year in childbirth 蓋茲夫人說女人與小孩幾世紀來都褐藻醣膠被忽略了但是我門(比爾與米蘭達蓋茲基金會)可以創出另一片天. 這基金會已房屋貸款經付出15億給世界上最窮的國家幫助缺乏物資小孩, 婦女健康, 嶼因難產而死酒店兼職亡的婦女Read more: 酒店經紀http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,1995040,00.html#ixzz0qK8H8GdO

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